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January 3, 2024
Contact: Sujata Subramanian, +91636-4959966 /

Equal Innovation is proud to be included in Silicon India’s 100 Most Promising Companies for 2023.   In this time of great innovation, but also great global upheaval, our mission to support innovation and entrepreneurs that create transformational change and sustainable impact is more important than ever. 

Equal Innovation is dedicated to addressing global challenges in the areas of climate change, education, public health and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).  We have a global network of 5000+ innovation centers and startup accelerators in major tech hubs like Silicon Valley, Boston and Bangalore, as well as emerging hubs in Africa, Europe, South America and Asia.  Our network focuses on startups aligned to the UN SDGs but also emerging areas like artificial intelligence and medical research.  

“Its an honor to be named to Silicon India’s prestigious list of promising companies founded by an Indian”, said Nish Acharya, CEO of Equal Innovation.  “It’s urgent that we identify innovations that improve the human condition or preserve our planet and connect these entrepreneurs to the partners they need to achieve impact.”
In addition to the identification and scouting of relevant innovations, startups and entrepreneurs, Equal Innovation is involved in important global events where startups can directly influence policy makers, including the G20, COP28, UNGA and the World Bank meetings.  In September 2023, Equal Innovation hosted Impact-G20X in Delhi during the G-20 Summit featuring President Biden and Prime Minister Modi, among others.  Over the course of 2 days, 40 startups, representing 15 nations presented their innovative technologies and products in sectors aligned to several of the key topics on the official agenda at the G20, such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, climate change, sustainable business and supply chains, and global health preparedness.  

In 2023, the team at Equal Innovation interviewed over 200 startups from across 150 startup accelerators around the world.  Some of the trends we encountered across the startups:

  • 78% were aligned directly with the UN SDGs.  The most common sectors of focus included SDG 3 (Good Health); SDG 4 (Quality Education); SDG 8 (Decent Work); SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice)
  • The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the innovators and startups was evenly distributed across Levels 1-9. TRL is used by government agencies like NASA and the Pentagon to measure a technology’s capability to be deployed at scale
  • Accelerators around the world nominated startups to Equal Innovation, including global universities like Harvard, IIT-Mumbai and Duke, as well as leading accelerators like Tech Stars and MassChallenge.  
  • Most startups focused on areas at the intersection of technology and impact, such as climate-tech, AI for education, mRNA to address zoonotic diseases and other areas.  

Equal Innovation welcomes partnerships with foundations, investors, corporations and government to identify and cultivate startups aligned to their strategic goals.  Our global team has over 50 years of experience working with innovators, startups and entrepreneurs.
