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  • Seminar on Philanthropic
    Leadership and Innovation

The notions of entrepreneurship and innovation have been the ‘flavors of the month’ for quite some time now. Creating new solutions to problems, promoting systemic change and thinking (and doing) out of the box have been the zeitgeist for at least a decade in many fields, industries and walks of life. As if to validate the famous saying that “the only constant is of change” and its accelerating pace (and push to the extreme) – the world has first dealt with the pandemic, climate change and global economic disruption - all shaking our realities dramatically. What is the role of innovation in such times? Why is it more needed – yet more difficult to achieve – than ever? And how all this should be addressed by the philanthropic sector in India and similar nations?

The nexus of innovation and entrepreneurship has become a critical driver of transformative change, especially in the hands of those leading community and philanthropic efforts in organizations. Today’s executives operate in a complex environment shaped by increasing social expectations, political uncertainty, and the pressing need for impact. Our Certificate Program, a collaborative initiative between NYU and Equal Innovation, is designed to deal with such issues head-on by charting out how innovation and entrepreneurship can be used as pivotal tools for driving impactful initiatives to achieve real-time and noticeable change. This is a hybrid program to equip corporate leaders with the experience, knowledge, and networks to navigate the complexities of modern governance while addressing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) effectively.

The Certificate Program will introduce key concepts in sustainability and entrepreneurship, discuss the relevant differences between various aspects of them in different societies, shows the types of innovations that follow. Thereby, providing a unique blend of practical frameworks, real-world case studies, and experiential learning to equip participants with actional strategies, which can be readily implemented within their organizations. By combining international best practices with local sector-specific innovation, this course enables leaders to enhance their impact and position their organizations as changemaking pioneers.

We believe that such a certificate in today’s turbulent and challenging times will convey an optimistic message of reconstruction, problem-solving, positive change and hope to their communities and people as a whole, while preparing philanthropic leaders with the tools necessary to do so. The program empowers philanthropic leaders to think innovatively, act strategically, and drive positive, measurable impact in their organizations and communities.