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  • Philanthropy, Corporations
    and Government

Equal Innovation is dedicated to identifying innovation and entrepreneurs addressing global challenges, such as climate change, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  We have built a global network of 5500+ innovation centers and startup accelerators in major tech hubs like Silicon Valley, Boston and Bangalore, as well as emerging hubs in Africa, Europe, South America and Asia.  Our network focuses on startups aligned to the UN SDGs but also emerging areas like artificial intelligence and medical research.  

In addition to the identification and scouting of relevant innovations, startups and entrepreneurs, Equal Innovation hosts events and roundtables at major global events, including the G20, COP28, UNGA and the World Bank meetings.  We co-create targeted roundtable discussions with funders, investors, policy makers and others to evaluate innovations and business models relevant across industries to drive greater consensus and collaboration.  

Foundations and Philanthropic Organizations

More and more philanthropic organizations and foundations are looking to innovators and entrepreneurs for solutions to the world’s most challenging problems.  In addition to supporting NGOs, community groups and advocacy, foundations are supporting innovative startups with technologies that are relevant to their focus areas – such as vaccine development or AI for education.  Equal Innovation works closely with foundations to help them to:

    • Navigate the innovation and entrepreneurship space through targeted scouting.  Equal Innovation works with foundations to identify the specific problems they would like addressed by new technologies or business models, and then leverages its global network to identify solutions that may be relevant to the philanthropy.  
    • Equal Innovation has worked with foundations to address long term challenges through the management of prizes and research challenges as well as finding R&D partners in areas like climate change and global health. 
    • Equal Innovation is unique in its focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and innovations that support major global policy challenges. 


In 2023, The Marico Innovation Foundation hired EI to identify agriculture tech and water startups focused on India that could have a transformative effect on the livelihoods and incomes of India’s subsistence farmers through better tools and technology.  


Global Corporations are increasingly looking to engage with startups on emerging opportunities – from AI and quantum computing to impact-driven areas like climate change and global health.  Sometimes corporations are seeking innovative technologies that are directly aligned to their core products and services, while other times they seek out innovations of relevance to their philanthropic and social impact work worldwide.  Equal Innovation can be a partner in either area. 

    • Navigate the innovation and entrepreneurship space through targeted scouting for mission critical technologies in the key areas of the business, particularly as it relates to global challenges.  For example, companies seeking technologies to help them track their climate footprint in order to comply with regulations or to develop new products that emit fewer greenhouse gases 
    • Provide support to innovations in areas like global health and education, where the corporate foundation is active and seeking to have greater impact.  
    • Equal Innovation has worked with foundations to address long term challenges through the management of prizes and research challenges as well as finding R&D partners in areas like climate change and global health. 


Equal Innovation has worked on two important projects recently with Deloitte Consulting.  During the pandemic, US National Institute of Health collaborated with Equal Innovation and Deloitte to identify non-vaccine treatments for COVID-19, including med tech and treatments.  Equal Innovation was also part of the evaluation of the NIH National Centers for Accelerated Innovation. 

In 2023, Equal Innovation collaborated with Deloitte to develop strategies for a G20 member nation to expand their entrepreneurial ecosystems.  The project included benchmarking to global tech hubs, suggesting best practices and broader implementation.  


Equal Innovation works with government agencies around the world - from the United States to India, the Middle East, Europe, Canada and with the United Nations worldwide. Our clients have included the offices of heads of state like US Presidents Obama and Biden, the leadership of Kuwait and Prime Minister Modi of India.  The projects are often similar to the work we conduct for companies and foundations but can also often includes an economic development component.  

    • Support major government grant recipients and prime contractors to navigate and scout for technologies that are relevant to the policy or government program being implemented.  For example, identifying climate resilient technologies for new infrastructure.  
    • Project manage and evaluate major innovation and entrepreneurship grant challenges to determine if the policy is having the expected effect. 
    • Identify and scout startups and innovation-based technologies that countries, regions and cities want to recruit to establish local operations, R&D and regional headquarters. 
    • Promote locally developed startups for government agencies to connect with global corporations, foundations and others to further develop their business.