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  • Accelerators, University Incubators & Research Hospitals

Equal Innovation is one of the leading companies in impact scouting services. We take pride in our culture of building and developing an ecosystem around the impact space to create a thriving, dynamic and active network system. Our primary partners for this ecosystem are the university incubators, Research Labs and Accelerators. Our curated partnership is designed to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within your university ecosystem. We work closely with universities to create robust incubation programs that propel startups and research breakthroughs towards success. .



  • Dedicated Focus on Global Impact: We are the only scouting organization focused on innovators and entrepreneurs addressing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and making a global impact. Our scouting efforts prioritize startups that are aligned with the SDGs, providing unique opportunities for socially impactful ventures. 
  • Exclusive Opportunities: Through our strong ties to major industry shows and trade groups, we present one-of-a-kind opportunities like COP28, CGI, and G20 to early-stage innovators and startups. Our connections with global forums allow startups to highlight their innovations on a prestigious stage. 
  • Collaborative Approach: We consider universities and research institutions as our partners rather than just an online platform. Our collaborative approach ensures that we supplement the efforts of innovation centers and accelerators, working in tandem to support startups' growth. 
  • Profile Building: Our platform helps profile entrepreneurs and startups at accelerators or early-stage, displaying scientific innovations, social entrepreneurship, and programs with hybrid models. This exposure can lead to increased valuation and interest from investors. 


Equal Innovation has worked closely with clients around the world to develop processes for innovation. Equal Innovation has expertise in creating programs and ecosystems within large organizations that allow them to flourish and gain momentum with the appropriate oversight and buy-in. Developing innovation ecosystems within organizations starts with a determination of how to integrate new ideas into traditional programs and activities. The core work is to determine the areas of focus that are best suited for innovation, in that the funder or the operating partners are best equipped, experienced and prepared to integrate new ideas or technologies. We then work with the organization to develop the capacity of the funder, the staff, the partners and their network to leverage the innovation. We contextual innovation process methodologies like proof of concept for what is appropriate to the funder or implementing agency. 



​Equal Innovation has unique experience as a strategic consulting and advisory firm to assist large organizations to launch entrepreneurial ideas, and for foundations and governments to develop policy that drives economic development through entrepreneurship.  The Equal Innovation methodology involves a combination of Lean Startup with proof of concept and intensive collaboration between regional institutions or organizational departments.  This tends to improve the chances of entrepreneurs, or intrapreneurs, to gain traction for their ideas, raise capital and recruit top talent.

Recent Accelerator Success Stories

Most recently, Equal Innovation created Startup Kuwait, to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Middle East and transition the region from energy to local small business and entrepreneurship.  The program, which in its first year included over 600 college students, the eight universities in Kuwait and chapters in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, is on path to become the model that is replicated throughout the region

Commercialization & Scale Up

Equal Innovation is building a global network of innovators, proof of concept centers, accelerators and research technology transfer offices to be able to match innovations and funders.  We hope to connect the right innovation to the right situation anywhere in the world with data, sector-specific research and analysis, and a broad network of practitioners. Today, Equal Innovation is building a network of 100 global universities, accelerators and research labs that are commercializing technology for sustainability, education or the base of the pyramid

Nish Acharya of Equal Innovation’s co-chaired the review committee for the National Institute of Health: National Centers for Accelerated Innovation, one of the US governments most ambitious effort to commercialize research funded by the federal government.  The project included an evaluation and review of three national centers: the Boston Biomedical Innovation Consortium, which includes Harvard Medical School, and the Massachusetts General Hospital; the Cleveland Clinic, and the University of California System, which included biomedical centers at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center.

How We Can Collaborate

Customized Research and Insights
Success Stories and Impact
Collaboration Opportunities
Global Exposure
Due Diligence Support
Customized Research and Insights
Customized Research & Insights

Access our global network to identify and scout promising startups and research projects specifically tailored for your incubator program. Our in-depth research and insights enable you to make informed decisions about the startups you nurture. 

Success Stories and Impact
Success Stories & Impact

Discover inspiring stories of startups that have thrived within university incubators, realizing their full potential. Our success stories demonstrate the impact of nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship within academic institutions.

Collaboration Opportunities
Collaboration Opportunities

Partner with Equal Innovation to create impactful entrepreneurship and commercialization programs. By collaborating with us, you can leverage our expertise and resources to develop comprehensive programs that support and propel startups towards success. 

Global Exposure
Global Exposure

We offer startups a more level playing field by providing exposure outside major tech hubs or traditional venture capital networks. Through our connections with funders like philanthropy, impact investors, and government agencies, startups gain access to a diverse pool of potential investors. 

Due Diligence Support
Due Diligence Support

We provide a fully developed due-diligence document about your innovation or startup to review and use elsewhere. This comprehensive document streamlines your interactions with potential investors and stakeholder